3 Quotes & Sayings By Kaitlyn Oconnor

Kaitlyn O'Connor is a writer and author of the bestselling historical romance novels, The Visitor and The Great Pretender. Her work has been featured in national publications such as USA Today, Marie Claire, and Redbook. She currently resides in Northern Virginia.

They were gone. They'd come for her, but she'd missed them and she was never going to get home again. When she finally turned toward the door to the apartment once more, she saw that Lucien had dragged himself from the bed. He was braced in the door frame, his dark skin bleached of color. Kaitlyn OConnor
He got worse as the night wore on. Tessa tried not to think about the wound, tried not to think about what she was going to do if he died and left her alone. Instead, she concentrated on doing what she could to keep the fever down and keep him comfortable, dragging a chair over to the side of the bed when she became too weary to stay awake any longer and dozing in it for short respites. Toward morning, he began to thrash about on the bed, muttering. She bathed his heated skin again and finally climbed into bed beside him. He quieted when she pulled his head against her breasts and stroked his hair soothingly. Kaitlyn OConnor